2022 Throttle Therapy Dealer Showcase
Welcome to the 2022 Throttle Therapy Dealer Showcase (Sep 30th - OCT 1st @ JR MX Track)
As the industry and local moto community continues our goal is to find opportunities to connect riders with local shops to build a strong foundation for future growth.
We have reserved the Main parking lot at Jordan River MX Track just for Local shops to come out and be apart of the moto community. We will have 4 different ramps and airbags for Youth, and Adults to jump on with Stacyc, Pit Bikes, and E bikes on Friday afternoon after practice. There will also be a Surron attempting a double backflip.
Bucked Up will also be doing their $2,000 Challenge (Free to enter. You can win based on luck and also based on your fitness so its open to all)
FREE things we would like to offer to you just for coming out.
- 1 free vendor booth (unlimited size)
- 2 free Admissions wristbands for booth employees
- 3 riders get to ride 1 class for free
- A change to win $5000 in Throttle Therapy Products (see page for details)
Details we need from you
(Fill in options)
- Shop Name
- How wide of spot do you need in feet? (It will be about 20' deep) Please only request the size you will use. We don't want extra spaces. No regular parking in vendor area.
- 3 Rider names and classes
- 2 Booth Employees Names
- List of things we can announce about you. Every 30 we will announce a different shop and what they have as a raffle product or just .
Things to Help this event be successful for you and us
- Share on social media and email list that your attending (See images below to share if you need some)
- Have 1 or more products to give away so it gets people to engage with you (everyone gets a free raffle ticket upon arrival when they purchase and admission wristband) They will be allowed to purchase more as well.
Do you need any Advertising/Promo Products? Check any products you might need for this event or the future and one of our team members will contact you.
- Canopy's, table top covers, flags (Cut off time 9/19/20)
- Graphics, Stickers, Decals (Cut off time 9/27/20)
- Van, trailer Wrap (Cut off time 9/19/20)
- Shirts (Cut off time 9/19/20)
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